Mission and Objectives / Benefits for Members
EPTA’s main objectives are:
- Preserving free and fair competition
- Ensuring the exchange of technical, economic and environmental data among its members
- Fostering co-operation with the European authorities and other entities to represent and promote members’ interests
- Seeking dialogue with professional and economic organizations whose members do not belong to the Association

Milwaukee - Rotary Hammer
The benefits of EPTA membership are:
- Participating actively in strategies and positions for the power tool industry
- Constructive dialogue with the EU institutions and other stakeholders to explain and promote the industry
- Early information on proposed EU policies and laws and their implications for the industry
- Early influencing of the implications of new EU directives and regulations
- Co-operating with the European and national authorities and other entities
- Accessing experts of EPTA, ORGALIME, ZVEI, Recharge and partner associations from Asia, Europe, North America and Russia as well as a wide network of independent experts
- Exchanging non-commercially sensitive, technical, economic, and environmental data
- Dealing with all technical and basic issues of the power tool association, including the development of technical standards in cooperation with IEC, CENELEC and other international bodies